Systems of Life

Vitamin B complex: B group vitamins and their role in the body

Digital Edition: Vitamin B complex: B group vitamins and their role in the body

Learn about the function and structure of B group vitamins and pathological effects associated with their deficiency.


Vitamin B complex plays a vital role in cellular metabolism and is discussed in this second article in a series on vitamins and minerals. A deficiency in B group vitamins can hamper efficient energy production in cells, leading to adverse health effects. Deficiency of vitamin B1, common in people with alcohol use disorder or AIDS, can cause beriberi, which affects the nervous system and heart. Vitamin B3 deficiency leads to pellagra, characterised by dermatitis, diarrhoea, depression and dementia. Deficiencies in vitamins B9 (folate) and B12 can lead to anaemia and neurological issues.

Citation: Bayram-Weston Z et al (2024) Vitamin B complex: B group vitamins and their role in the body. Nursing Times [online]; 120: 3.

Authors: Zubeyde Bayram-Weston is senior lecturer, John Knight is associate professor and Maria Andrade is honorary associate professor; all at the School of Health and Social Care, Swansea University.

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