Manifesto by Nurses: Tell us your ideas for nurse education

Student nurses in a lecture hall

Source:  Shutterstock

What can the next government do to protect and improve nurse education and support for student nurses?

Nursing Times wants to hear your ideas for the next chapter of our Manifesto by Nurses, which we have been building since November 2023.

The finished manifesto will be delivered to the parties seeking to form the next government in the forthcoming general election, expected to take place some time in 2024.

It will contain ideas from nursing and midwifery staff and students on what politicians can do to address the biggest issues in nursing specifically, and health and social care more generally.

The first two topics covered were nursing workforce shortages and protecting the future of the NHS.

For this latest chapter of the manifesto, we are focusing on nurse education.

We want to know your suggestions for how nursing courses can be made more attractive while protecting quality, and what can be done to improve support for student nurses to aid retention.

Your submission could touch on, for example, any national-level reforms to nurse training that you think are needed; the role of apprenticeships, online learning and technology; or tuition fee and bursary models.

Click or tap here to take part before 26 January; please note, you need a Google account to complete the form.

Alternatively, send your send your ideas in no more than 300 words to, along with your full name, job role, location and a high-resolution picture of yourself.

Please note that, by doing so, you are agreeing to be potentially named, quoted and pictured in Nursing Times, both online and in our print publications.

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