How can the next government improve public health?

Logo for the Nursing Times A Manifesto by Nurses campaign

The next chapter of our Manifesto by Nurses will focus on public health.

We want to know your ideas for how the next UK Government can prevent future pandemics and infectious disease outbreaks and more generally help people to stay healthy for longer.

For example, what can be done to address waning vaccination rates which have led to rises in cases of measles? Or curb the increase in sexually transmitted infections?

What can the next government do to ensure every child is given the best start in life?

Are there further prevention initiatives that can be introduced to stop cases of ill health? What step needs to be taken next to tackle Covid-19?  

Your answers will form the fourth chapter of the Nursing Times Manifesto by Nurses, which we plan to deliver to the parties that stand in the upcoming general election, expected to take place this year.

The manifesto will contain ideas from nursing and midwifery staff and students on what politicians can do to address the biggest issues in nursing specifically, and health and social care more generally.

Other topics covered to date include nursing workforce shortages, protecting the NHS and approaches to nurse education.

To provide your ideas for the public health chapter, click or tap here to take part before Friday, 23 February.

Alternatively, send your send your ideas in no more than 300 words to, along with your full name, job role, location and a high-resolution picture of yourself.

Please note that, by doing so, you are agreeing to be potentially named, quoted and pictured in Nursing Times, both online and in our print publications.

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